Apparently running around trying to meet the diverse and often conflicting needs and wants of 4 generations of family members isn’t quite enough chaos to suit me. Something is compelling me to explore the world of Blogging.

One would think that as a Newbie to Blogs and WordPress I would pick something simple. Like a nice little family photo album.  Nope. I feel compelled to dive into a far more complex subject… Canadian Politics. Not just the official Canadian Political Issues, but all the ubiquitous day-to-day survival stuff.  Interpersonal relationships of all types involve politicking to one degree or another.  Part of me is focused on developing the content I want and another part of me is trying to figure out how to organize and present it without driving users crazy.

For now I will have to focus on learning WordPress and  I am finding it a little difficult to get a navigation and layout that is truly user-friendly, easy to read and doesn’t involve a lot of scrolling. I’m thinking Static websites are a lot simpler to develop and maybe I should just sit down with Dreamweaver and build what I want it…. but where is the challenge and fun in that??

I will attempt to fill in the blanks ‘about me‘ as I go along. (Who wants to write about themselves?)

In all seriousness, the Canadian Political landscape is a mess and I am hoping to build a small safe place for ordinary Canadians like me to visit and maybe look at things from a different angle.  My focus may be Canada and Canadians, but the internet is a global community and I certainly welcome visitors from beyond our borders.

Wish me luck…and in the meantime….

I hope you enjoy your time visiting My Common Canadian’s Blog.